Stefano Pasotti was born in Milan, Italy on the 25th of February 1989.
He started by making motion graphics videos and web commercials, later he directed music videos and short films.
He made the experimental music video EX NIHILO for the post-rock American band Hammock in 2013.
In 2014 SOFIA was his first short film with a larger production that he directed and wrote.
He worked for a decade in the visual effects industry as compositor on commercials, tv series, films as well as VR projects in the UK, Germany and Italy.
VR projects such as AΦE physical theatre experience Whist.
Brands such as Lexus, Chevrolet, Ford, Glenfiddich Stella Artois, Bosch, Microsoft and Charlotte Tilbury.
Films such as Rosaline, The Last Night of Amore, The Color Purple, Damsel and The Crow.
He made BECOMING ME short film which he shot on 16mm film and hand developed himself, which got finalist at L.I.M.P.A – London International Motion Picture Awards 2019 and selected at Largo and Dumbo Film Festivals.
Subsequently he made with the same analog techniques THE SLEEPING PILGRIM short film, winner at the Absurd Film Festival and selected at the Kalafari Film Festival 2023.